Security for governments
Our team of Secured Passenger Data experts provides best performance to make API-PNR systems properly fed by airlines data. Our certification process provides the best cost and time performance to achieve get full value of Government’s API-PNR system
Assistance to the contracting authority
Collection needs and writing of Requests For Proposals
Certification team
Security message auditing, project management for airline certification and connectivity settings
Maintenance of airline certification
New airlines, new kind of traffic, new routes, new DCS and new IT systems
Deolan team use tools and IT systems that are necessary from Government’s requirements together with several Deolan owned apps that make all certification and testing process visible, auditable and efficient. Together with Agile management methods and process, this organization delivers high-value tasks within the shortest timeframe.
Our experts in the airline industry, airport opérations, IT systems and communication provide Governments with full understanding of the certification process and help them to make the best decisions based on reliable and accurate insights. This is the way to achieve the full benefits of API-PNR systems.
Deolan team has built API-PNR connexions with all main data providers of the airline industry and quite all smaller shareholders. All transmission protocols and data formats have been manipulated through previous experiences, in parallel with a detailed knowledge of key advanced issues that can be met during such projects (complex flights configurations, timing of messages reception, redundant messages,...)